Pfefferer PINK: joie de vivre in rosè
For 40 years now, the Pfefferer and its unique green bottle has been a favourite among wine lovers. Now, we are ready to launch into the market its “little sister”, the “Pfefferer PINK”: a fresh, fruity wine with a delicate rosè colour.
История Lafóa
В линейке Lafóa (Лафóа) четыре вина. Что же означает это слово и что изображено на этикетке? Постараемся вкратце поведать вам историю.
The History of the Tower
The Black Tower, imposing and distinctive, stands out from the label affixed to the bottles of the Schreckbichl winery. But how did Schreckbichl come to choose the tower, and what significance does it have for the winery today? We find out.

LR 2015
The label
the bacchante, grape-enamoured and ruddy...

LR: Pure passion
In autumn 2014 LR was showcased for the first time. Since then, four vintages of this exclusive White Cuvée have been released and LR has become the hidden “special treasure” for all wine lovers.
Феномен Пфефферер
Это не только важное и историческое вино для Cantina Colterenzio, но и самое узнаваемое в России белое. Дамы и господа, знакомьтесь – Его Величество Пфефферер. Давайте разбираться, в чем же секрет успеха этой поистине международной «звезды»!